New Hampshire Public Employee Labor Relations Board Implements Legal Files Case Management Software

“We expect Legal Files software will significantly improve our ability to manage complex cases and streamline our workflows. It’s a major upgrade from our previous system, which involved multiple spreadsheets and a network file share.”

Legal Files Software, Inc., a leader in case management solutions, has recently completed the rollout of its cutting-edge software at the New Hampshire Public Employee Labor Relations Board (PELRB). This implementation signifies a pivotal advancement in the board’s efforts to modernize operations and elevate service standards for public sector employees statewide.

The PELRB, which has administered the state’s public sector employee collective bargaining law since 1976, chose Legal Files to streamline its operations and boost efficiency. The board oversees collective bargaining processes for state, county, city and municipal employees, handling various tasks involving unit formation, representation challenges, unfair labor practice proceedings and more.

Doug Ingersoll, Executive Director of the PELRB, said, “We expect Legal Files software will significantly improve our ability to manage complex cases and streamline our workflows. It’s a major upgrade from our previous system, which involved multiple spreadsheets and a network file share.”

The implementation included annual software subscriptions, as well as comprehensive training and project management services provided by Legal Files Software, Inc. The PELRB joins a growing number of New Hampshire agencies using Legal Files, having been referred by the New Hampshire Board of Tax & Land Appeals.

“We’re proud to partner with the New Hampshire Public Employee Labor Relations Board,” Legal Files CEO John Kanoski said. “Our software is flexible and customizable, well able to handle the complexities of labor relations cases, and we’re confident it will significantly enhance the board’s ability to serve New Hampshire’s public sector employees and employers.”

This collaboration exemplifies Legal Files Software, Inc.’s dedication to empowering organizations with tailored solutions that streamline processes and improve overall efficiency.